Work with Me

Lets Work Together!

Soul Therapy is my #1 service and always where I encourage you to begin your work with me! 

Are you feeling a pull to make positive changes in your life? Do you want to connect more deeply with your purpose and live your best life? If you're seeking clarity and guidance, you've come to the right place.


My method for living a more magical life is simple and easy to follow. It combines understanding how your energy field interacts with the world around you, tuning in to your intuitive guidance system, and tapping into your manifestation powers to cocreate your very own heaven on Earth. 
Soul Therapy is an intuitively-guided life-coaching process designed to help you discover your strengths, power, and best life path. This work embodies a little bit of everything that I offer and allows us to flow based on your unique needs. 
 I pull from my 24+ years of extensive experience in the helping professions and intuitive abilities to support you in changing your life for the better! Learn more about me and my experience here
Here's what you can expect from this transformative journey...
What You May Experience:
Goal-Oriented Coaching:
  • Explore the changes you'd like to make.  
  • Develop a step-by-step plan to achieve your goals.
Learn About Your Unique Energy Field
  • Learn about your energy field and how it interacts with the world.
  • Learn how to manage your energy field to help minimize the impact that the energy around you has on how you feel and experience the world. 
Support on Your Spiritual Journey:
  • A spiritual focus to support you in deepening your connection to your higher power.
  • Finding the magic within yourself and the world around you. 
Energy Reset using Angelic Energy
  • Release old, stagnant energy that is weighing you down and overwhelming your system.
  • Rebalance and recharge your energy field.  
  • Shifting your energy field is the most powerful way to create change FAST!
Intuitive Guidance
  • Learn to understand your unique energy field. 
  • Your Spirit Guides and Angels guide the Soul Therapy process.  
Manifestation Coaching
  •  You are a powerful co-creator in this world! 
  • Learn to tap into your ability to manifest the life of your dreams!
Intuition Development
  • Connect with the guidance of your soul so you always have the keys to unlock your best life.
  • Enhance your intuitive gifts. 
Each session is unique and tailored to your specific needs, helping you unlock your highest potential and live a fulfilling life. Ready to embark on this journey? Let's connect and start your transformation today.
Soul Therapy sessions are $120 and are 50 minutes.  Sessions are not billable by insurance.  We ask that you give 24 hour notice for cancelling any sessions.  Any sessions not cancelled within 24 hours will be billed a full session fee as this makes it difficult for us to offer the opening to someone else.  Payment is due at the session. Cash is preferred for in person sessions. Cards are accepted. 
Please note: This type of experience is best suited for those who are looking for spiritual and personal growth and learning to work with their own intuition to guide their best life path.  It is considered to be a spiritual life coaching service.  This service is NOT mental health treatment and is not billable by health insurance. If mental health treatment is needed, Soul Therapy can be used as a supplement to mental health treatment.  It does not replace mental health treatment where needed.  I do not assess for mental health diagnoses or complete mental health paperwork for courts, work, referrals, etc. We do not provide emergency services. All intuitive predictions are considered to be for entertainment purposes in accordance with NYS law. 
Additional Services:
  • Hypnosis: A powerful strategy that taps into the subconscious mind for creating change or breaking habits. If you are not a current client, all hypnosis sessions are provided as part of a 3-session package. The first session is a coaching session to determine a hypnosis plan.  This is followed by 2 hypnosis session scheduled based on the plan.  The 3 session package is $333.  
  • Angelic Energy Reset: Get your energy field back into balance with a little help from the angels and angelic healing techniques.  This is a hands on energy session that addresses clearing and balancing for the mind, body, and soul! Based on individual needs, this is a combination of Angelic energy, Integrative Energy Therapy, Quantum healing techniques, and Reiki.  Distance or in-person sessions available. Sessions are 50 minutes and $120. 
  • Tarot Readings: Gain clarity and address specific questions with a Tarot reading. Readings are $120 for 50 minutes. 
***First time clients please fill out the contact form below or text/call us at 607-438-2939 to get set up with your first appointment.  This allows us to ensure that Christy is taking on new clients and to assess for fit. 
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